Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flower Ball (Or Should I Say Flower)

What is a girl to do on a rainy, gray, dreary day while fighting a headache?  Well, originally, I thought it was take some Excedrin, drink coffee and clean the craft room.  It turned out to be take the meds, drink coffee, spend time on the computer and then decide to try something new and use up retired supplies.

I have seen these flowers/flower balls online.  I got as far as making a flower.... It would take a dozen "flowers" to make an entire ball out of them.  It wasn't overly hard to make, just a lot of folds and then gluing them together. I used paper from Patterns Pack 3 which I think was a hostess gift at some point.  I thought it was great because you need to start with a square sheet of paper.  This pack of paper is 6"x6"-no cutting needed!

Don't you think these would be wonderful kissing balls for Christmas?  Nice reds and greens would be beautiful I think.  Hmmm I think I see a school project coming up.  I love when I can work paper crafting in as an occupational therapy project!  "PAPER THERAPIST" can that be my new title and could I get raise for having a title?

Well, I think I need more coffee and I need to get more Christmas paper while it is on sale at Stampin Up.  Check out the special on Designer Series Paper here.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Carey said...

Oh I love these. Of course, I had to open the video and try it. I did it!! Now I have to make the flower and then the ball of flowers. I can't wait to see some of our DSP in this.

Carey and Roscoe